Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy February Birthdays

Here's to my February birthday posse: Debbie, Maya, Stephanie, Loni, Lea, Jennifer from 9th grade, myself, Angela from middle school who shared my birthdate, birth city and state (Groton, Connecticut--although I was born on the navy base), Collin Rowe from 7th grade (ha!), Lauren, Sandy Miller--who isn't a day over 39, I swear...I know I'm forgetting me out here, people.


Deena said...


Loni said...

Thanks for remembering me, along with your old friends and crushes. Happy birthday to you to! P.S. I love your blog!

Coordination Queen said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!!

your mom said...

Thanks ladies, but let's not get TOO carried away...I'm going to be 28 for 5 more days!!! :)

Mom of 3 boys said...

Well...HAPPY early BIRTHDAY!!!!

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday...a little late! I can't believe Collin Rowe's birthday is on your list! HA HA!!!