Birthdays: Girlfriend turned 4 a little over a week ago! I cannot believe how fast time flies. I reminisced a lot about the time surrounding her birth. Her birthday turned into a weeklong celebration because I just love birthdays that much, especially this child's birthday. She got pink Converse tennis shoes from my parents and she was so THRILLED. It was funny how excited she got. Mom and Dad took us to Annie's Cheesecake and Tea Room where they brought a cake out to her and sang "Happy Birthday" while girlfriend hid behind me! I made the Dora cake you see in the picture, and it didn't turn out too badly, and girlfriend loved it, so it worked! Girlfriend had a great birthday so thanks to everyone!
"Stella-kins": I swear to you all that I did not torture this kid...she just does not like posing for the camera. So, here she is in all her Medieval Princess glory. Girlfriend had a party at school and was so excited to announce that she had "put my mouth on the apples and water." That would be bobbing for apples. GROSS. Anyway, they also made "stella-kins" that day- translation: SKELETONS. I laughed so hard when she said that. We went to Jeff and Rochelle's neighborhood trick-or-treating on Halloween night. Girlfriend got her candy from Jeff and Rochelle and then we just walked around for the next 45 minutes or so. Girlfriend only went up to about 2 people and would just keep telling Rochelle and I that she had enough candy and just wanted to run. THANK YOU. We had a good time. Girlfriend has always been a lot of fun for me, and she is getting to an age where we can really enjoy things together.
There's the oddly put-together update...hope you are all well!
Happy Birthday to Girlfriend! and I am glad that you are loving being a nurse. Cute costume.
It feels so good to get out of school and find out that you did the right thing. Plus you get paid pretty well. Extra nice.
Thanks girls! GM- You are right about that! And when the recruiter was telling me my starting salary, my mouth was hanging open in a dumb smile! So, that definitely helps!!!
Stella looks so cute....Tell her happy birthday!!! I am glad you are happy and love your new job....
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