Sunday, October 21, 2007


I realize it's been awhile since I've been around...blame it on my new JOB, baby!!! Things are going really well for girlfriend and I these days. I have my first official shift as a Registered Nurse tomorrow night. I will be working 3-12-hour days and very limited weekends (every 8-12 weeks) and my shift is NIGHTS. I am looking forward to that...there is always something mystical about the hospital at night. Yes, alot of crazy things happen, but it is good. My job is in the MIMCU and I am slightly scared to be the RN. I had a week of hospital orientation last week and that included nursing orientation where I had competencies to pass-off. Here's what I thought was hilarious: I have to be checked off on IV starts in about 2 weeks, but I am allowed to start them as of tomorrow night...wouldn't you do it in the opposite order??? Ah, well. Tomorrow starts my 8-12 week unit orientation; I am anxious to meet my preceptor. My unit director told me that Week 8 is when I'll really be freaking out b/c they'll give me my whole "team" of LPNs and Aides to oversee along with my 5-6+ patient load. I'm just focusing on tomorrow...and trying to stay awake all night tonight in order to sleep tomorrow so I'm not dead Tuesday morning!!!


Mom of 3 boys said...

Good Luck!!!

Deena said...

I'm so excited for you. It's always fun actually starting the job that you've gone to school for so long to do. Good luck with the sleeping thing. It took my husband a while to figure out a good sleep schedule when he works nights. One thing that works really well for him is to take a 2-3 hour nap and then get ready and go to work. Whatever works for'll be great. Just don't kill anyone. :)

your mom said...

Kim-Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes! I'm back on Tuesday night as well.

GM- Thanks for the advice. I am excited. It's been about 6 years since I've worked nights, so it's going to take awhile...about not killing anyone: my best friend gave the the "Nurse's Prayer" in a really nice frame for graduation and when Stella asked me what it was, I said, "This is what mommy needs to say so that she doesn't kill anyone!" I'm sure you also know that know, since you dealt with the meds themselves!!! Thanks! :)

Coordination Queen said...

WAHOO!!! This is so exciting! Good luck!