Thursday, August 2, 2007

For the first time EVER...

I went to the movies by myself. I have never done this before, and quite honestly, I am not sure why. After having a lunch to celebrate the lovely Rochelle's 28th birthday (thank goodness she has caught up to me!), I thought that I would go sit in the air conditioned theater and watch HAIRSPRAY! I missed the first 10 mintues of it, so I am sure that I will just have to go see it again! I loved the original, and this one was great. I almost didn't know how to act since I was by myself. You see, usually, I am fielding questions from girlfriend about the movie we're watching or making 300 potty trips b/c girlfriend has to visit the bathroom every place that we go at least once. It was great, and then I found an outfit for the pinning ceremony, but it is pending Mom's approval! :) Now, to find something for girlfriend and decide what to say...

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