Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pinning Speech Dilemma

So, in roughly 3 weeks I have to give the "Class President" address at our pinning ceremony b/c there was that one time about a year ago when I lost my mind and agreed to be Class President. You might not think this to be a big deal, and really it's not, it's just that I have just about had it with listening to 40+ adults moan and complain. But mom keeps reminding me that I asked for it and my fantastically wonderful friend from nursing school just keeps laughing and entertaining my complaining to her! What a great friend! Anyway, I was talking tonight to our class secretary/treasurer and told her that I just have no idea what to say but that I wanted to speak for more than 30 seconds but no more than 5 minutes. She said, "Oh yes, 5 minutes is LONG enough!" So, I took the hint. But now, what do I say?

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