Saturday, July 4, 2009

I'm not even going to make an excuse...

for not blogging. When girlfriend and I lived with my parents, they had internet and it was easily accessible. Now, not so much...but seeing as I'm saving lives tonight (to the tune of ~$70/hr), and thank goodness it's quiet for the moment, I've got some thoughts running through my head...pardon me if this is a bit personal.

*I'm happy. My life hasn't gone the way I had planned it, but I'm coming to accept that that is okay.
*In 27 days, Dave is making an honest woman out of he says. He also keeps saying that we are going to have alot of fun...I'm a little afraid. :)
*I am completely in love with him. I always thought that someday I'd get married again, but I put that so far into the future and was complacent to be girlfriend and myself even though I'd get lonely at times.
*He makes me feel really good about me...and I've come a long way with this. My self-esteem took a huge hit for about 10 years and Dave has been there to help me rebuild it.
*I really shouldn't have eaten Wendy's for dinner here at made me sick. BUT, I had a leftover chicken sandwich in fridge at work to eat for dinner tonight, but when I got here it was GONE! So, live and learn...should have eaten at home.
*I have made alot of really great new friends this year. I've made alot of great friends since coming to work at OSU in March.
*I love saying to other people at work, "Good enough for government work." They always laugh...probably because I'm crazy for saying it, but hey! It's true!
*I've got the best daughter I could have ever asked for...this kid loves me more than I am worthy of at times. She has no idea how much I love her and have since the moment I found out I was having idea.
*In 3 weeks, 6 days, I'll be privileged to be a step-mother to 2 awesome kids. They, too, seem to love me more than I am worthy of at times. They are good kids, and I truly never thought I'd be in a situation where I'd be a step-mother...never in a million years, but for these kids, I would do anything in this world. Truly.
*I need to get a facial, and need to get it soon.
*I need make-up...I'm low on alot of my things.
* I'm fortunate that I'm able to keep in touch with alot of my friends from my past. They make me think about childhood times.
*I'm so very sad for the loss of the Hewitt kids...I went to middle and high school with their mom and dad...the kids were killed in a car wreck this past Monday and mama is at UGA Medical
*I have good co-workers who help and ask for help when they need it.
*In 3 weeks, I will be moving into my first and only home I've ever people think I'm being funny when I say they will drag my old bones out of this house. I am not moving, ever, again.
*I think I found our "readings" for the wedding that our friend-turned-reverend has been harping on us to get...hey, tell me when we have the time?!?
*I'm thankful for many of the choices that I have been allowed to make.
*I have the best niece in the world...I absolutely adore this kid!!! And I think there's no one else in this world like her father, either. Always have and always will think that of him.
*I'm glad my patients are sleeping.
*I'm happy that glitter's mama is picking up glitter's daddy from his tour of duty in Iraq...words can't say thank you
*I love that I have great parents.
*I love that Dave's parents have been kinder to girlfriend and I than anyone ever has...they treat us just like we've been around forever.
*Dave and I have dated for over a year...this is huge for me, I get bored quickly.
*I absolutely love him.
*But I will say that while I'm so incredibly grateful to be getting rid of my current last name, the task of changing everything to a new last name seems daunting. Ah well.

I probably should go check on my peeps. Thanks for letting me get that out.


Coordination Queen said...

You don't know how wonderful it was to read that this morning. Being thankful for lots of things is a great way to start the day!

Cindy said...

Elizabeth, I'm so happy for you...that you've found such an awesome companion in Dave! I hope all of your dreams come true with him! Craig and Crystal's situation sure has put a lot of things into perspective in my life, too. Life is good and we must enjoy it in the present. Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Deena said...

Thank you! I can hardly wait. This was a fabulous post.

I knew nurses made good money, but I didn't know it was that good. Rock on.

realmaplesyrup said...

I just wanted you to know I got a good giggle out of a lot of your post. And I can relate to most of them too. I am glad to know there is hope for a happy future. Good Luck with yours.

Mom of 3 boys said...

sorry I haven't been on your blog lately or really anyones...I just wanted to say that I am extremely happy for you...congrats...